Maths No Problem!

An established platform for mathematics mastery, Maths – No Problem! sought to expand its reach with a new brand, Wise Words English, offering an alternative early years literacy curriculum. Tank was tasked with launching a teaser campaign to teachers, utilising authors to create a buzz about the challenges of an under-representative English curriculum.
Prior to the launch of the new brand, it was clear that thought leadership would create conversations about how the English curriculum is currently delivered. By speaking directly to the authors and academics commissioned to create the curriculum, we created a pool of varied insights into literacy mastery and pitched these ideas to the education trade media.
Before the Covid-19 pandemic delayed the launch of Wise Words English, we generated interest from education editors keen to hear from our established authors.
The campaign generated coverage in publications such as Teach Primary, Education Today, and Teach Early Years. We also secured a prized slot on the Radio 4 Today programme’s maths puzzle of the day.
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