Dixons Carphone – e2save

After a brand refresh, e2save.com, part of Dixons Carphone Group, needed an outstanding, brave, creative campaign to boost online sales of their value led mobile handsets and contracts.
Unafraid of delivering successful campaigns outside the traditional ‘PR’ remit, Tank conceived, managed and delivered an integrated video project, using the talents of renowned Facebook star Arron Crascall. Targeting e2save’s 18-35 age demographic, Tank produced a hidden camera style video with a ‘feel good’ factor which would be shared across every single social channel going.
In a mere four week period, Tank’s campaign beat every single target measurement set by e2save. Engagement targets with the brand were exceeded by 69%, and viewing targets soared by 117%. Most impressively – sales rocketed by 59% in the campaign’s duration. e2save was so impressed with Tank, the success of the campaign led to a Christmas PR project achieving coverage in the Metro and the Independent, and subsequent video campaigns across the year. You can watch Arron in action below…
Engagement targets exceeded.
Viewing targets soared.
Increase in sales during the campaign.
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