



Leaping from a valuation of $1 billion in 2018 to $10 billion by August 2021, global cloud contact centre leader Talkdesk has rapidly expanded into new geographies, entering new markets but often with growing yet limited brand recognition.

Very well known in North America and Portugal, its two home bases, Talkdesk needed to build its reputation in the UK and Europe quickly as it continued on a path of expansion.


Tank identified Talkdesk’s rich yet underutilised content library, and stream of new content, as the key to unlocking media opportunities. These would increase brand awareness in the UK market.

The team put together a strategic plan, which would convert the on-page research, blogs, whitepapers and ebooks and amplify them by finding placement in the media.



Mentions in UK media over a 12-month period.


Estimated total readership across the UK and European trade titles.

Tier 1

Coverage across Europe, which included The Times, Raconteur, Yahoo Finance UK, Silicon UK as well as CX press including Handelsblatt, CCVNews and TeleTalk in Germany.

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