Finding a strategic agency partner that goes beyond the brief

The traditional client-agency relationship was purely transactional. One party gives the brief and pays the invoice, the other does the work and (ideally) gets results.
The end.
Well, not quite.
In that scenario, the agency in question is simply taking the brief, doing the job… and that’s that. And it’s fair to say some agencies do still operate like this.
But the best agencies? They don’t see it as a transactional relationship. They’ll take the brief but actually ask pertinent questions to understand the business at the same time. They’ll delve into who you are and why you exist, what you’re about – your purpose, your mission, your vision, your values – all of those things.
That’s when an agency becomes a true strategic partner.
Once they know the objectives of the business, they will go into them in more detail to understand your limitations, your team skills, your budgets. They’ll use all of this to build a full plan of what they’re going to do, the steps that need to be put in place to achieve it – and to measure it – and how they can take that further in the future.
What Makes A Good Strategic Agency Partner?
A strategic partner is not an agency that wants to just ‘do the job’. They will review and critique, and work as if part of your team. They show support but they also don’t back down from difficult conversations – critically, without being obtrusive for the sake of it.
More than just someone who just gets the given job done, they may even critique the brief itself, working together with you to understand the market and suggest an alternative approach that could, in fact, perform better. A strategic partner agency will want to understand your customers too. They’ll dive into the research to make sure they know as much about your business as you do – ideally more!
It’s also not a case of churning out the work quickly, but methodically. That doesn’t mean slowly, but it does mean effectively. A good strategic partner will aim for value and results and a return on investment. That return on investment should go beyond the work you’re doing (which should always deliver results) and demonstrate benefits beyond the invoice: a strategic partnership with an agency that’s considered, proactive and accountable.
How To Spot A Potential Strategic Agency Partner
Understanding what makes a good partner is one thing, but how do you know they are the one before they’ve done any work?
Initially, you can base it on the questions they should be asking – the ones we like to put to prospective clients when we meet them for the first time.
Assessing your brand, mission, vision and values – are they fit for purpose? Do they reflect who you are as a business right now, and in the future?
Also, how well do you understand your target audience, and how well do they understand you?
Commercially, what are your marketing goals and KPIs? Are you looking for aggressive or measured growth? Are you planning to launch in a new country? Are you seeking investment or preparing an exit strategy? Whatever it is, all of this is essential to building an effective and achievable marketing plan – and also why a good strategic partner will also ask how you set your marketing budget.
Ultimately, don’t be afraid to ‘let them in’. Some questions may be challenging, but only in the right way, and not for the sake of it.
You can ask the same of us. In fact, we insist you do.
Dave is our client strategy director and happy to support you with any questions for your digital marketing strategy.
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