Influencer Marketing Services

Tailored influencer strategy that’s about more than aesthetics.

Our experts connect you with influencers who truly get your brand, drive engagement and deliver results, it’s not all ex-Love Islanders and teeth whitening toothpaste.

From strategy to execution, our influencer services will sit as part of your wider marketing strategy and business objectives.

Learn more about our influencer marketing services.

What is an influencer marketing agency and how does it work?

Understanding the impact of influencer marketing.

Think of an influencer marketing agency as your brand’s matchmaker. We bridge the gap between brands, influencers and content creators, crafting campaigns that grab attention and spark genuine connections.

We don’t just pick these people out of hat – we select those that align with your brand and audience. Then, we work with them to create compelling content that amplifies your message and delivers the results you want and need.

Our approach-

Creating impactful influencer strategies

Whether it's a press release, Instagram caption or the perfect blog post, content is critical.

Our approach to influencer marketing is content-driven and always tailored to your unique goals. Data matters, but an influencer strategy lives and dies by the quality of its content.

We begin with research to understand your brand and target audience. Then, we craft a bespoke strategy, handpicking partners, co-creating engaging content, and leveraging multiple channels to maximise reach.

We utilise valuable data, but with a strong focus on your brand. Striking the right balance between data and brand alignment is key and by getting that right – everything else falls into place.

Our influencer marketing tactics :

Influencer Campaigns

Creator Partnerships

Sponsored Content

Brand Ambassador Programs

User-generated Content (UGC)

Social Media Takeovers

Our influencer campaigns are all about making your brand connect with the right audiences.

Influencers have a unique ability to establish relatability through their authenticity and personal touch, making them trusted figures within their communities. By partnering with influencers who share real-life experiences and seamlessly integrate your products or services into their daily lives, we create campaigns that resonate on a deeper level.

Whether launching a new product or driving brand awareness, our approach ensures that your message reaches and engages the right people, building trust and fostering long-term growth. With influencer marketing spending projected to surpass £1 billion by 2025, this strategy is not only effective but also essential in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Long-term success is about building solid relationships. Our creator partnerships focus on growing together over time, allowing both your brand and the influencers we collaborate with to thrive.

By tapping into niche audiences that align with your brand’s values, we help you connect with communities that are already interested in what you have to offer. Influencers, with their ability to foster engagement and interaction, bring your brand closer to its audience, creating a sense of belonging and trust.

Through co-creating content that tells your brand’s story authentically, we ensure that the connection with their followers feels natural and compelling, leading to sustained engagement and brand loyalty.

To reach new audiences in a big way, sponsored content is ideal. Our sponsored content services will boost your credibility and engagement to new levels.

Sponsored content is a powerful way to introduce your brand to new audiences, and we manage every aspect to ensure success. Our process starts with selecting influencers whose audiences align with your target demographic, maximising reach and exposure.

These influencers, skilled content creators in their own right, bring a diverse range of content styles and formats to the table, enriching your brand’s presence across various platforms. When an influencer endorses your brand, it’s more than just a promotion – it’s a trusted recommendation from a relatable figure. This authenticity drives higher engagement and credibility, translating into tangible results such as increased brand awareness and customer growth.

With influencer marketing expected to exceed £890 million in the UK by 2024, sponsored content is a critical investment for any brand looking to stay ahead.

Turn your biggest fans into brand ambassadors. We scout and recruit ambassadors who live your brand ethos, equipping them with the tools they need to promote your products authentically. Our ambassador programs ignite word-of-mouth marketing and build deep brand loyalty.

These ambassadors don’t just promote your products; they share real-life experiences, showing how your brand fits naturally into their lives. This relatability builds trust and deepens the connection with their followers, turning them into loyal customers.

By equipping your ambassadors with the tools and support they need, we ignite word-of-mouth marketing that spreads organically, driving long-term brand loyalty and sustained growth.

Tap into the power of your audience with UGC services. We inspire and curate content created by your customers, turning their genuine experiences into the best marketing collateral, adding a layer of authenticity that traditional advertising can’t match.

UGC doesn’t just boost engagement; it’s a valuable marketing asset that provides fresh, relatable perspectives that truly resonate with potential customers. In fact, UGC is 6.6 times more influential than branded content. Blog articles featuring UGC are 2.5 times more shareable, while Instagram posts with UGC see 70% higher engagement. Overall, UGC can increase a blog’s organic traffic by 45%, making it an essential component of any modern marketing strategy.

Give your social media a fresh twist with influencer takeovers. We coordinate with influencers to take control of your channels for a day, creating excitement and fresh content that captivates your audience.

This approach not only injects new energy into your social media presence but also helps you reach targeted audiences who are already engaged with related content. During the takeover, influencers foster real-time engagement and interaction with their followers, creating a buzz that feels like a recommendation from a trusted friend.

By collaborating with influencers who embody your brand’s personality, social media takeovers generate excitement, attract new followers, and ultimately contribute to your brand’s growth.

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Our Work -

Some of our best influencer marketing campaigns

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Marking 50 years in retail with a viral social media campaign.

Celebrating its 50th anniversary, Victoria Centre wanted to make a splash that would ripple across Nottingham and the surrounding counties, while attracting broader demographics, including the consistently renewing student population.

Tank worked alongside the central team to contact Nottingham celebrities and influencers to feature in monthly events across PR and social media, with one larger integrated campaign centering around internet legend, Charity Shop Sue.

Creating a stunt to name Charity Shop Sue as the centre’s ‘special retail advisor’, Tank worked on an integrated campaign to create a press announcement, media interviews and a day of filming to capture ten videos for all social channels, including Victoria Centre’s newly created TikTok.


Aggregate readership from online news.


Impressions across all channels.


Pieces of media engagement generated.


Followers gained across social media.


Brand PR with an online appeal that increased national salon bookings.

Rush Hair approached us to increase the number of bookings in its lesser known salons. Understanding that a key driver for health and beauty consumer audiences is based on trusted recommendations, we turned to micro-influencers and media local to each new salon location.

Kicking off in Birmingham, Leicester and Manchester, we leveraged popular instagrammers and editors with booming audiences of engaged followers.

With a ‘budget’ of appointments and services at our disposal, we built relationships with these new ambassadors for the brand, inviting them in for treatments and to relay a positive review to their follower base and readers.


Total audience reached throughout the campaign.


influences and media ambassadors joined in and provided valuable feedback.


New major UK corporates committed to discount partnerships.


Salon openings in total, all of which showed profitable launch figures.


A brand partnership with Lord Sugar's protégé.

The Versaclimber is a vertical climber cardio machine used across a number of sporting disciplines such as tennis, basketball rugby and more. It is used by the sporting elite and celebrities such as Andy Murray, LeBron James, Lady Gaga and Jake Gyllenhall.

The people that know about the machine love it, but we needed to reach new audiences, especially those that are into fitness but do not train at a professional level.

Tank approached the 2023 winner of BBC One’s The Apprentice, Marnie Swindells, who founded BRONX boxing gym with Lord Sugar’s investment.

We coordinated a one year loan of a Versaclimber machine to the gym, as well as an interview with Marnie, covering her time on The Apprentice, how the Versaclimber will add value to her boxers’ training and her experience of being a woman in a male-dominated industry. This was content with longevity that we could repurpose to keep the partnership fresh and up-to-date with national days and discussions.


Accounts reached.


Impressions gained.


Video plays.


Increased viewership of non-followers on the Versaclimber Instagram channel.

Good to know -

Further ramblings on influencer marketing

How does influencer marketing benefit my brand?

Influencer marketing offers a multitude of benefits, from increasing brand awareness to driving conversions. Influencers have the unique ability to establish a human connection with their audience, making their endorsements feel like personal recommendations. This authenticity fosters trust and credibility, which is crucial for driving long-term customer loyalty.

By collaborating with influencers who have targeted, niche audiences, your brand can tap directly into communities that are already interested in what you offer, enhancing engagement and ultimately boosting sales. With the influencer marketing industry set to exceed £1 billion by 2025, leveraging this strategy is essential for any brand looking to thrive in the digital age.

How do you select the right influencers for my brand?

Selecting the right influencers is key to the success of any campaign. We take a comprehensive approach, using data-driven insights and industry expertise to identify influencers whose audience demographics, engagement rates, and content styles align with your brand values and campaign goals.

We also consider the influencer’s ability to create relatable content and foster genuine interaction within their community, ensuring that their endorsement will be trusted and effective. By partnering with influencers who share real-life experiences and connect authentically with their followers, we help your brand build meaningful relationships with potential customers.

What is the process for launching an influencer campaign?

Launching an influencer campaign involves a well-structured process to ensure success. We begin by deeply understanding your brand, objectives, and target audience. Next, we identify influencers who not only align with your brand’s values but also have a proven track record of engaging their followers with authentic, relatable content.

After selecting the right partners, we collaborate to co-create content that seamlessly integrates your brand’s message. Throughout the campaign, we manage all aspects of content production and distribution, ensuring it resonates with the target audience. Finally, we provide detailed analytics to measure key performance indicators (KPIs) such as reach, engagement, and ROI, optimising the campaign for maximum impact.

How long does it take to see results from an influencer campaign?

The timeline for seeing results from an influencer campaign can vary depending on the campaign’s objectives and scope. Immediate metrics such as social media engagement (likes, shares, and comments) can often be observed within days.

However, more substantial outcomes like increased website traffic, brand awareness, and sales growth typically take a few weeks to a few months to fully materialise. As influencer marketing continues to evolve, it’s important to be patient and consistent in your efforts to see the long-term benefits of your investment.

How do you measure the success of an influencer campaign?

We measure the success of an influencer campaign using a variety of key performance indicators (KPIs), tailored to your specific goals. These include engagement rates, reach, impressions, and audience growth to assess visibility and impact.

We also track website traffic, conversion rates, and sales to evaluate the campaign’s effectiveness in driving action. Additionally, we analyse the quality of the content produced, ensuring that it resonates with the target audience and enhances brand relatability. By monitoring these metrics, we can make real-time adjustments to optimise performance and ensure that your campaign achieves its desired outcomes.

How much does an influencer campaign cost?

The cost of an influencer campaign varies widely based on several factors, including the campaign’s scope, the number and type of influencers involved, and the content deliverables. Influencers with highly engaged, niche audiences may command higher rates, but their ability to connect with your target demographic can provide significant returns.

To accommodate different budgets, we offer customised packages that align with your specific needs and objectives. During the planning phase, we provide a detailed cost breakdown and work closely with you to ensure that your investment delivers maximum reach, engagement, and growth.

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