SEO Services

Be found to be successful.

In a world where Google holds all the cards, your business has to play by its extensive rules to rank highly in search.

Fighting for your place within the search results and keeping it is critical. With the right help from an SEO agency, building organic visibility will bring a huge number of the right visitors through a commercially-designed short and long-tail keyword strategy.

Our SEO experts work hand-in-hand with our other teams, to push you further up the results pages — and keep you there. Tank’s SEO offering is PR-led, which is why our content is better than the herd and works much harder for you.

Get in touch with Tank to learn more about our SEO services.

SEO agency with commercial nous

The best SEO appeals to readers, not just Google, for your business growth objectives.

SEO is about content — for search engines and for readers. We’re writers first and foremost. Our words make people want to read on, and for journalists and other interested publishers to link to them.

We’ll create content that, as well as satisfying Google, engages your audience and reflects your brand’s personality. The link campaigns we’ll produce will carry stories strong enough to get coverage with backlinks from national newspapers and sector-leading titles, building your website’s necessary authority to rank highly.

SEO support isn’t for vanity’s sake. Like all marketing, it has to grow revenue. Ticking the right boxes may get you to rank higher for search terms, but our content will keep readers there too.

We’ll help you create a well-structured website experience, first concentrating on building the content your potential customers want to find. By understanding your business and objectives to inform our research, planning and direction, you’ll then get a clear and measurable SEO strategy that draws on all our in-house skills.

SEO services with experience

The craft of SEO has several facets but no universal remedy.

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to improve organic traffic. No stamped-out solution. Great SEO to help your website compete in tough spaces takes time, experience, skill and patience.

The timeline depends on your goals, market and current standing. We’ve helped some businesses realise their ambitions in search within four to six months, others in over 12. We’ll help you sustain growth in organic visibility, but there are no quick fixes.

Every campaign, client and situation is different, but a good SEO agency knows which aspects to improve and when.

We’ve worked for clients with a B2B and a B2C focus. From the SaaS (software as a service) industry through to gyms, professional service providers and online retailers.

From experience, an initial audit of your site will often reveal hidden issues that could be holding you back. An investigation of your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses will also uncover their advantages for you to narrow and deficiencies to exploit.

We’ll also look at your audience’s behaviour, assessing their search intent and experiences they’re used to. This directs and tailors our SEO techniques to you, to make sure that the relevant search terms are what your website — and business — is geared towards.

Our SEO services :

Keyword research, competitor analysis and strategy

Technical audits and improvements

On-page SEO and content creation

Link building and digital PR

Our keyword strategy will align with your business intentions and objectives, and consider the intent of the users you need to target. What a user expects to find and what they will do next should all be borne out by what they’re presented with on seeing your page.

Attention has to be concentrated on the aspects that will make the greatest impact and show the strongest signals to Google, rather than a scattergun approach of going after everything with little influence.

Our approach looks at not only short-tail terms, often found at the bottom of the sales funnel (the buying stage), but also at long-tail terms at the top of the funnel (the information and research stage). It’s this attention, paid to different stages of the process, that ensure potential leads are guided to you.

This strategy, though, is flexible. With inevitable internal and external changes, as well as Google’s own regular updates to its algorithm, the ability to react if necessary is crucial.

An initial SEO audit of your website could highlight aspects that are either hindering the ability of it to rank highly in SERPs (search engine results pages) or could simply be improved upon.

Your website could be bestowed with fantastic content that answers visitors’ questions beautifully and is a smooth joy to navigate. But, if technical SEO issues lurk beneath, it can hold your site back from its potential.

To make sure that’s not the case, we make sure that your website’s pages can be efficiently crawled, rendered and indexed by Google. In other words, the search engine knows what to do with them and what they say — and it shouldn’t take it very long.

Our efforts then focus on the navigation around your site, its internal linking structure, responsiveness, improving site speed making sure that it has sufficient mobile optimisation to be used on the most popular devices.

After resolving any technical issues with your website first, we’ll then turn our attention to snags on the pages themselves in line with the agreed keyword strategy and content plan.

This must be done before starting work on the new content, or before any digital PR and link building. The relevant pages must be in a suitable state that adequately serves the visitors we direct to them, giving them what they need and showing you’re a topic authority.

Any good SEO agency knows that, without correcting on-site issues, the extra traffic our strategy generates will be wasted in terms of gains in search rankings. We’ll be sure to make everything work hard towards getting you more visitors and sales.

We’re a PR-led digital agency. Creating great stories is in our blood, so we know how to wield them to build authoritative links that add value to your website in Google’s eyes.

In that context, prominence is based largely on trust. Our digital PR skills provide that and give your site the authority that fuels growth in search results. Trying to do that without the right links is impossible. We conduct a link profile audit and a link intersect review, or gap analysis, to determine the websites from which we’ll seek to build new links to that content.

With Tank as your SEO agency, spending time on small-scale piecemeal approaches, such as focussing solely on guest posting or picking up broken links will be a thing of the past. Investing in digital PR is what has the greatest effect. Full stop.

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SEO case studies

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YORKTEST white logo

Using digital PR to break a UK health test specialist into America.

After conquering the UK market, home-to-laboratory test specialist YorkTest wanted to break into the UK search space with its food sensitivity tests.

The US site only had 33 referring domains linking into it, which was not strong enough to rank for YorkTest’s target search terms.

Tank created a multi-layered digital PR approach, combining timely data-led content campaigns with informative thought leadership stories.


New referring domains from the likes of Men’s Health, Business Insider, The Sun US and Fox.


Increase in the website’s domain authority


Increase in organic traffic from the US region.


Taking a local firm to page one for a major industry keyword.

Almond Financial came to Tank to grow its financial advice and retirement planning services nationally.

While its website ranked well for local Lincolnshire keywords, its lack of content and quality backlinks meant it struggled to compete for the most lucrative terms – particularly those relating to pensions advice.

Tank doubled down on pensions advice. A multi-layered style of digital PR was used, alongside insightful keyword-focussed content and off-page technical SEO work.

By combining data-focussed content campaigns with timely thought leadership advice about pensions, Tank’s team positioned Almond as a true authority in the sector – with the insight and content to back it up.

On-page content was written in line with regulatory requirements. The digital PR campaigns had broad appeal, achieving coverage and links from a wide variety of the target audience’s preferred titles.


New referring domains, including the Financial Times, Pensions Expert and the Daily Record.


Increase in clicks from searches of target keyword topic.


Ranked alongside major household names for “Pension Advisors”.

MOTORFINITY white logo

Significant traffic growth from implementing sitewide SEO improvements.

Following the launch of its two new websites, Motorfinity UK and Motorfinity Leasing, the team at Motorfinity came to TANK to help create a keyword strategy and implement on-page SEO tactics that would see it climb up the rankings.

We started with a full audit of both websites, a keyword discovery stage and an analysis of competitors that appeared within the target SERPs. From this, we were able to see the gaps that needed filling to give the site a strong base from which to improve its search rankings.

Over the following months, we worked closely with Motorfinity’s developers on technical recommendations, whilst building new pages, improving content and ensuring all the keyword targeting was clean without crossover.


Keywords now hold their own on page one, compared to having zero presence before.


Of those keywords sustaining top three positions.


Increase in overall organic search impressions.


Increase in overall organic clicks from all keywords.

What is SEO?

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the process of improving the position that web pages rank in search engine results, such as through Google. It includes both on-page and off-page changes.

When it comes to search engine results for keywords relevant to your industry, the more visible your site is, the more traffic you will receive. That, in turn, gives more opportunity for visitors to complete sales, enquiries or any valuable action.

SEO has several aspects. These range from the technical SEO aspects of how your website is built and the intuitiveness of the user experience, through to the quality of the content on its pages and the relevance of those words.

Why SEO is important for every business.

When a visitor is a potential customer, boosting the traffic to your website should translate directly into more business, through presenting you with a greater number of leads.

Ranking highly within SERPs is also a clear indicator of how trustworthy and genuine a brand is — particularly for the most common queries in any particular field. Therefore, SEO isn’t only about increasing traffic to your website. It’s also about building your brand’s credibility.

With good positions in search results established, traffic will steadily flow into your website, present new leads and generate sales — but you must keep on top of it.

How can SEO increase leads and sales?

Search engine results pages are a cutthroat environment. The first page of results in Google for a particular keyword receive more than 90% of the visitors, with the first position getting 25% alone, so the fight for businesses to rank amongst those 10 places is fierce.

With good SEO tactics, your website appears in the higher positions, confirming to your target audience that yours is the correct site to visit to answer their queries. Each is a potential lead for more sales.

As an SEO agency, we’ll help you navigate the constantly shifting world of search marketing. With each update to Google’s algorithm, we’ll work to ensure that you can make the best of it, continuing to rank highly for competitive keywords.

What does an SEO agency do?

An SEO agency sees what changes your website needs in order to rank highly for the search terms you need, then carries them out or guides your team to do so. It helps earn and build quality links from relevant sites by providing information that is useful to those readers, generating traffic from people who have a genuine interest.

As well as forging these links, the agency will improve your website’s content, architecture and other technical aspects to create a strong foundation and better user experience for those new visitors.

How do I choose an SEO agency to work with?

SEO is more science than art, so experience counts. To choose an SEO agency, you must understand its wisdom and compare different teams’ knowledge. Look at the results gained for other clients and the similarities with your business, market or issues.

It’s also important to choose an agency with which you could have good chemistry, but not at the expense of commercial awareness.

How much does it cost to hire an SEO agency?

That depends on what you want to achieve, and by when.

The number of keyword groups you want to build your authority around, competitiveness amongst rivals for positions in those SERPs, the technical state of your website and its existing ranking positions are all important factors.

An SEO agency will then estimate the time needed to deliver a robust plan. It’ll present that in terms of monthly cost across an initial period of time.

Where are Tank’s SEO experts based?

As an SEO company in Nottingham, all of our team are based in and around the city. In our restored Victorian office in the heart of the Lace Market, they rub shoulders with specialists in our other proficiencies.

Visit us and see how what we offer amongst the Nottingham SEO scene is a breath of fresh air.

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