
Tank delivers the social media silver bullet

Tank delivers the social media silver bullet
Trevor Palmer
Director //

Career publicist, copywriter and occasional Kingmaker. 50% knowledge of anything with answer for everything. Mouth.

October 14, 2016

Whilst awards aren’t the be all and end all for any serious agency, recognition for hard work and great results for our clients is undeniably brilliant.

In September we attended the Midlands CIPR awards, having been nominated for the Best Use of Social Media and Outstanding Public Relations Consultancy. Surrounded by the red brick buildings of University of Birmingham, it was one of the better awards ceremonies we’ve attended.

To be finalists in both categories is a strong reflection of the incredible year we’ve had and the immense presence we’ve created here in the Midlands. Pushing ahead with social media, our project with Dixon’s Carphone brand e2save saw us working alongside self-made social star Arron Crascall to produce results that engaged customers and delivered record-breaking sales for our client. For this, we were awarded the Silver prize and you can read more about the project here.

It was also the third time we’d been nominated for Outstanding Public Relations Consultancy of the year. Next year, we’ll have that one.

This team is as strong as I’ve ever seen in my 19 years working in PR. Fired-up, focused, tenacious and ridiculously able, it will be a force to be reckoned with for years to come, I’m certain.