
The impact of AI in Education

The impact of AI in Education
Georgie Duffield
Account Director

Offspring of journalism royalty. Smaller than you, but could definitely lift you. MeV - obstruct with caution. Not from Duffield.

July 1, 2024

From learning and revision tools, to helping schools work smarter, the use of technology across the education sector continues to gather pace. 

Despite having been around for some time, it was the launch of ChatGPT back in 2022 that catapulted artificial intelligence (AI) into the limelight, catching the attention of the mainstream media and raising some important questions around how it could be used to ease the administrative burden facing schools. 

From enhancing productivity, to streamlining communication and allowing schools to deliver more immersive and interactive learning experiences, there are clearly benefits. 

However, there are also a number of important questions to ask around trust, data security and how AI could be used by students to submit work that is not their own. 

To understand more about how AI is impacting the business landscape, Tank is hosting a series of roundtables throughout 2024, in partnership with East Midlands Business Desk. 

The second saw educators, academics and ed tech experts gather to discuss the impact of AI and other technologies on the education sector. 

To find out more about our panelists and read the full discussion, click here.