Martyn Gettings
Head of PR

Tech PR whirlwind. Trade show global footprint world record holder. Burns dolls crafted from money and straw in his offshore tax haven, of a weekend.

October 7, 2024

Understanding PR

What is public relations in marketing? It’s the quiet powerhouse behind many successful strategies. It’s the art of sharping perception, crafting stories and building trust with your audience.

At it’s core, public relations in marketing is about positioning your brand not just in the marketplace, but in the minds and hearts of consumers and wider stakeholders. It’s more than just getting your name out there – it’s about defining who you are, what you stand for and why people should care.

A strong brand narrative is essential for cutting through the noise and establishing genuine connections. Whether you’re a disruptive startup or an established industry leader, PR creates a foundation for long-term growth, customer loyalty and relevance.

The role of PR in your marketing strategy

PR marketing plays a pivotal role in shaping and amplifying your marketing efforts, blending with other channels to craft a cohesive and compelling brand presence.

Effective PR can significantly increase your brand’s visibility by placing you in front of the right audiences, in the right way. Media coverage can catapult your brand into the public eye, turning a story into a movement. But PR isn’t just about being featured in the press – it’s about leveraging the right partnerships and relationships and influencing the perceptions and decisions being made that will have an impact on your organisation.

Collaborating with influencers who resonate with your audience can exponentially grow your reach, while events and launches provide opportunities to physically manifest your brand, allowing customers to experience your brand beyond a screen.

A strong PR marketing strategy doesn’t just generate noise – it builds trust. By positioning your brand an an expert in your field, PR can transform you into a thought leader, someone whose opinions matter in the industry. Thought leadership pieces, keynote speeches and expert commentary provide you with the authority that paid media alone cannot buy.

A well-executed PR strategy is built on trust, consistency and long-term commitment. For instance, we helped a client earn recognition for their pivotal role in the global space tech industry, culminating in an opportunity to share a platform with NASA. This level of trust and credibility isn’t gained overnight – it’s the result of sustained efforts to build strong PR foundations that support brand authority. For others we have helped them to become the voice of authority on subject matters closely aligned with their strategic goals – for example helping a commercial real estate adviser to become one of the most respected voices on the health of the high street in towns and cities up and down the UK.

Through strategic PR initiatives, brands can position themselves as leaders in their field, not just capturing attention but fostering meaningful relationships that turn recognition into lasting industry influence.

Customers don’t just want to buy products; they want to believe in the brands behind them. PR fosters this credibility, showcasing your expertise and establishing your brand as a go-to resource.

Beyond visibility and credibility, PR plays a key role in driving meaningful engagement. In a world where consumers demand authenticity, PR strategies – such as storytelling and community engagement – help humanise your brand. It’s about crafting narratives that resonate on a personal level, making your brand part of your audience’s daily conversations. Community relations efforts build deeper bonds, turning customers into advocates and followers in fans. At its best, PR doesn’t just broadcast your message; it invites your audience to be part of your brand’s journey.

PR,w hen done right, serves as the vital link between your brand and its audience, amplifying everything from awareness to loyalty and ensuring your marketing strategy resonates deeper than surface-level noise. To truly succeed, PR must be embedded in the core of operational decision-making – too often, businesses miss the mark by not including PR as a strategic voice frmo the earliest planning stages.

Key components of a PR-driven marketing strategy

A successful PR-driven marketing strategy doesn’t operate in isolation—it weaves into the fabric of your overall marketing efforts to create a unified, impactful brand narrative. To achieve this, certain key components must be in place to ensure that PR enhances every aspect of your brand’s visibility, credibility and engagement.

Consistency is crucial, and integrated communications are the cornerstone of any PR-driven marketing strategy. PR and marketing must speak with one voice across all platforms—whether it’s a press release, a social media post, or a blog article. 

Aligning your PR and marketing teams ensures that every story, campaign, or announcement reinforces your brand’s core message. By harmonising your PR initiatives with your marketing objectives, you can create a seamless experience for your audience, where every interaction, no matter the channel, feels cohesive and intentional.

Content is the fuel that drives modern marketing, and PR can be a powerful ally in both creating and amplifying that content. From crafting compelling brand stories that align with your audience’s values to securing media placements that boost credibility, PR enhances your content marketing efforts. 

A well-planned PR strategy finds creative ways to turn your brand’s message into stories that are not only shareable but also newsworthy. This content can then be distributed through media, blogs, podcasts, or industry publications, broadening your reach and reinforcing your marketing goals.

PR and social media are a dynamic duo, working together to drive real-time engagement and foster genuine connections. In the age of instant communication, PR enhances your social media strategy by enabling you to react quickly and authentically to trends, news and conversations that matter to your audience. 

Influencer collaborations, driven by PR, can extend your reach while adding credibility and relatability to your brand. Whether it’s through a perfectly timed tweet or a branded hashtag, the synergy between PR and social media ensures that your brand remains relevant, responsive and engaging, while also amplifying your marketing campaigns.

By integrating PR into your marketing strategy, you ensure that your brand communicates a consistent, compelling story across every touchpoint, from the media to social channels. This approach strengthens your overall marketing impact, making every piece of content, every social interaction, and every media feature a building block of your brand’s long-term success.

How to integrate PR into your marketing strategy

Start by aligning your PR goals with your marketing objectives. Both should feed into the same overarching brand vision, whether it’s increasing awareness, building credibility or deepening customer engagement. The key is in the planning—PR should be an integral part of your campaign development from the very beginning, not an afterthought.

Effective integration also requires coordination between teams. Your PR and marketing teams need to collaborate closely, sharing insights, metrics and opportunities to create a seamless narrative. Content calendars, media outreach and social media strategies should all be developed in lockstep, with a focus on consistency and relevance across all touchpoints.

Another vital element is measurement. Use analytics and insights to track the success of your PR efforts in tandem with your marketing campaigns. Are the stories you’re pitching aligning with the brand sentiment you’re aiming for? Is your influencer partnership driving engagement across channels? Reviewing these data points will help you fine-tune your approach and ensure that your PR is working hand-in-hand with your broader marketing strategy.

To truly make PR a driving force in your marketing efforts, you need more than just the right tactics—you need the right partner. At Tank, we specialise in crafting PR strategies that bring your brand’s story to the forefront, ensuring it resonates with the audiences that matter most. Get in touch with Tank today and let’s shape your brand’s future together, one building block at a time.