PR Services

Do you feel wasted?

Good businesses and expertise wither on the vine without being seen, picked and used.

The media is a crowded environment. With all those egos, businesses and organisations jostling for the attention of a finite number of outlets, being noticed is an art. Good public relations will get you seen, but a great PR agency will keep you there.

Get in touch with Tank to learn more about our PR services.
PR Agency main image of a vine

What is a PR agency and why do you need us?

Your organisation lives and dies on its reputation.

Perceptions about its services, ethos, products and practices shape whether people want to work with and support you. The point of public relations (PR) is to help shape those perceptions.

PR is about getting you noticed for your expertise and marking out what makes you different. It’s how you communicate with customers — both current and potential — and demonstrate your knowledge through the media. That’s what gains people’s trust: it’s evidence that you know what you’re talking about.

We’re a PR agency that prides itself on its relationships with journalists and editors across the media landscape. We know the value of crafting stories that appeal to those outlets. Whether it’s to share news of expansion, a new product or service, to campaign for change or advise about an issue, we’ll work with you to make your voice heard.

Image of PR agency office floor
Our Approach-

How a PR service works.

We need to get under the skin of your organisation.

Blindly firing out press releases achieves precious little. Understanding your goals, sticking points, plans for the future, staff and customers are all crucial for us to work effectively.

We’ll create a PR strategy to focus our efforts, making sure that the coverage we achieve for you is right for what you need and serves an overarching purpose.

The fundamental principles of PR are paramount. The stories we create will be relevant, well-researched and able to bear up to scrutiny. We’re not interested in creating flim-flam and nonsense.

Everything we do will complement and further your brand. We’ll become its guardian, defending its reputation and cementing its standing amongst your audience. All media communications will come through us, and nothing will get worked on without your approval.

Image of work from PR agency

Our PR services include :

PR campaigns

Event PR and management

Media training and preparation

Crisis management

We’ve changed the fortunes of organisations using PR, but not overnight. Our campaigns create a steady bedrock of credibility, which we can then build on to create an authoritative media presence.

We mostly operate on a retainer basis, working towards strategic goals that we set with clients. We’re also experts at delivering shorter PR projects for launches, seasons and events.

We’ve handled book launches at the Garrick Club and Christie’s, piano concertos in Marylebone, unveiled sofas fit for royalty in Mayfair and hosted dinners for deputy prime ministers.

We also maximise trade and consumer show attendance for brands, and handle product, service and venue launch events in the UK and abroad.

Within the Tank team are several ex-journalists. Having been on the other side of the fence, they know what media organisations are looking for and how they will respond — both good and bad.

Our team uses this knowledge to train clients in how to make the media their ally. From effectively and succinctly getting your point across in an interview, to confidence and dealing with difficult questions, they prepare you to get maximum return from all media interactions.

Bad things occasionally happen and, when they do, they’re often a news story. Hoping they never will is no prevention. Your response, particularly in the initial stages, is critical in shaping the effects on your business.

Damage limitation in the media is all about planning a response to a crisis – way before it happens. We help clients to plan for possible outcomes that hopefully will never happen, but halving their impact if they do.

Strength rooted in non-specialism

We’re sector agnostic. If a business has at least semi-realistic marketing and growth ambitions and wants to be somewhere that it isn’t – it may be for us.

We’ve always worked across multiple sectors, and it’s the cross-sector learnings that make our offer so strong.

It’s obvious though, that we’re better known and more in demand in certain sectors – and so here they are.















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Our PR Experts



Head of PR



Account Director



Account Director



Account Director



Account Director



Senior Account Manager



Account Manager



Account Manager



Account Manager

Lauren C

Lauren C

Account Manager



Senior Account Executive



Senior Account Executive



Account Executive



Account Executive



Account Executive

Our Work -

Some of our PR campaigns

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Marking 50 years in retail with a viral social media campaign.

Celebrating its 50th anniversary, Victoria Centre wanted to make a splash that would ripple across Nottingham and the surrounding counties, while attracting broader demographics, including the consistently renewing student population.

Tank worked alongside the central team to contact Nottingham celebrities and influencers to feature in monthly events across PR and social media, with one larger integrated campaign centering around internet legend, Charity Shop Sue.

Creating a stunt to name Charity Shop Sue as the centre’s ‘special retail advisor’, Tank worked on an integrated campaign to create a press announcement, media interviews and a day of filming to capture ten videos for all social channels, including Victoria Centre’s newly created TikTok.


Aggregate readership from online news.


Impressions across all channels.


Pieces of media engagement generated.


Followers gained across social media.

DIXONS white logo

Brave and creative brand PR campaign to boost online sales

After a brand refresh,, part of Dixons Carphone Group, needed an outstanding, brave, creative campaign to boost online sales of their value led mobile handsets and contracts.

Unafraid of delivering successful campaigns outside the traditional ‘PR’ remit, Tank conceived, managed and delivered an integrated video project, using the talents of renowned Facebook star Arron Crascall. Targeting e2save’s 18-35 age demographic, Tank produced a hidden camera style video with a ‘feel good’ factor which would be shared across every single social channel going.


In a mere four week period, Tank’s campaign beat every single target measurement set by e2save. Engagement targets with the brand were exceeded by 69%, and viewing targets soared by 117%. Most impressively – sales rocketed by 59% in the campaign’s duration. e2save was so impressed with Tank, the success of the campaign led to a Christmas PR project achieving coverage in the Metro and the Independent, and subsequent video campaigns across the year. You can watch Arron in action below…


Engagement targets exceeded.


Viewing targets soared.


Increase in sales during the campaign.

AFFINITY white logo

A multi-channel global launch for a creative software powerhouse.

Affinity, a creative software provider, needed support for the global rollout of its new V2 package. Tank was to design and deliver a strategic lead generation and PR campaign to announce and drive sales of the software.

Tank delivered a localised multi-channel strategy across Google Search, Google Display, Google Shopping, Facebook, and Instagram over a three-month period.

Campaigns were built to target clearly defined audiences across 10 countries in four languages, driven by the careful creation of over 3,200 ads – all with specific and localised design, messaging and calls to action.

Tank was also the lead agency, coordinating with Japanese, French and German-speaking PR professionals, to activate an integrated PR launch campaign and ongoing thought leadership activity.


ROAS as an average across all channels in just three months.


Pieces of media coverage across six countries - including pickup by The Guardian, TechRadar, T3 and Engadget.


The V2 launch contributed to the company exceeding £30m annual revenue for the first time.

MILLERHOMES white logo

Building brand reputation In the SERPs for national house builder.

House builder Miller Homes wanted to become a resource for homeowners looking for advice on lifestyle, property and family matters. Despite its strong reputation it had limited backlinks to its site. Miller needed regular activity to build its profile with new links from a variety of trusted sources to improve rankings for new homes-related keywords.

Over 12 months, Tank has taken a multifaceted approach to digital PR, mixing data-led campaigns with advice on trends and topical thought leadership.

For example, we used information on changing trends in décor-based Google searches to provide expert comments on colour schemes.

We also used data to reveal the UK cities where residents are most likely ditch the gym and pursue fitness at home. In partnership with Blue Cross, we also managed a campaign to educate dog owners on how to help their pets keep cool in hot weather.



Pieces of coverage and links within the first six months.


Referring domains from just one campaign, including links from the Express, Scotsman, Stylist and Property Reporter.

IPSOS white logo

Achieving media presence for a national retail insights brand.

To position Ipsos Retail Performance as the UK’s leading authority on retail footfall.

We manage media relations for the monthly Retail Traffic Index (RTI), and distribute the accompanying weathermap infographic. This provides journalists with footfall data, alongside expert insight and commentary on the retail sector.

Backed up with social media management across multiple platforms, a constant stream of information is released that positions Ipsos Retail Performance as a retail authority.



Mentions in the UK media over a 12 month period.


Estimated total readership across the UK national and retail trade media over the same 12 month period.

Tier 1

Coverage which included The Times, Independent, LBC, Daily Mail, City AM, Evening Standard, Daily Telegraph, Yahoo Finance, and MSN.

Good to know -

Additional points and facts about PR.

Why you should use PR instead of advertising.

By virtue of it having to be good enough to convince a team of journalists and editors of its merits, PR coverage is much more credible than an advertised message.

Readers, viewers and listeners pay far more attention to editorial content. Where advertisements are often either glossed over or completely ignored, pieces resulting from a good PR agency’s work are voiced by journalists themselves.

They often include further interviews and analysis, resulting in balanced, trustworthy articles that audiences can depend upon for reliable information, rather than being suspicious of a one-sided perspective.

The differences between B2C and B2B PR.

B2C (business to consumer) and B2B (business to business) PR are the key veins of approaching different audiences. The type we use depends on your business and whose attention it needs to attract.

B2C PR is about talking to the general public, either at large or with a specific interest. It might be to showcase a new product, give advice or highlight an issue. It involves a wide range of media outlets, from national newspapers and television to niche websites. It’s also common to team up with other experts or influencers, to boost a campaign’s clout amongst a particular audience.

By contrast, B2B PR is about communication from one business to another, within trade media. As well as news of expansions, services and products, it often focuses on issues affecting a particular industry — both your own and others that are affected. Targeting the latter is known as vertical PR.

What is a PR thought leader?

Thought leadership is a type of PR that concentrates on building your reputation as an expert, and dispensing that knowledge and advice to your market, in both trade and vertical trades.

A thought leader is someone who can give advice and guidance, inspire change and start discussions based on their knowledge. It’s your experience that underpins your authority and gives the audience reason to trust your judgement. The more trust is placed in you, the greater the influence your words can have.

Thought leadership PR can take the form of a newspaper or magazine column, a blog on your own website or as a guest on another. It can be a quote within a topical news article, or it can be a broadcast interview. What matters is relevancy and building your profile.

Which sectors do we have expertise in?

No pigeon holes here. Our specialism is PR; whilst we have undeniable strengths in certain sectors, we don’t concentrate on a particular sector. One of our greatest USPs is our ability to turn our hand to any industry.

Tank’s expertise is in knowing what journalists want, then creating stories that they want to cover. Our team of curious minds find out what the burning issues and fertile topics are, whatever the subject.

Across B2B and B2C, just some of the sectors we’ve worked our magic in are:

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0115 958 9840

+44 (0)115 958 9840